Regardless of the field in which we work, we will necessarily be called upon at one time or another to take on a managerial role if we aspire to a certain career development.
However, a manager’s role brings great responsibilities and therefore important decisions to be made about the progress of projects and the management of his team. But on what basis to decide?
This responsibility may seem frightening for some, while others may feel completely lost, but in the end, there are many ways to minimize the risk of error in your decisions and this is what we are going to explain to you through this article.
Managerial decision-making, a complex mission
First of all, it is necessary to understand what makes the complexity of the managerial decision and it is the large number of parameters to take into account.
Indeed, intuition can be useful when making a decision, but you cannot decide on an important matter on a whim. In order to make an optimal decision and to minimize its risk of error, it is necessary to take into account all the internal and external factors of the company.
But the problem that arises is that these factors are very numerous to the point where it may seem impossible to process all the information, especially in our time when a huge flow of data circulates every day.
However, in recent years, companies have increasingly used data analysis in their managerial decision-making, all within a well-structured process.
Setting up data collection systems
First of all, it will be necessary to make sure to collect all the data which could be useful. And to do this, companies must set up very specific data collection systems and devices. For example, if a store manager wants to monitor the performance of his after-sales service, he cannot rely solely on feedback. random information from its employees. Rather, he will have to set up a procedure for entering standardized information, thus constituting a real database on which he can rely for his management.
From raw data to information
Once the raw data has been collected in a database, it is still just numbers or indications that mean nothing. To be able to take advantage of it, it will have to be processed and transformed into real usable information. This is where we talk about data analysis.
The interest of a versatile profile
This direct relationship between data analysis and managerial decision-making naturally requires that the profiles be versatile, able at the same time to analyze the data relating to their work and to manage on this basis. From now on, we no longer make the distinction between a data engineer profile and a manager. What the company is currently looking for is a versatile profile, who is both a manager AND an engineer!
In short, data analysis represents a crucial element at the heart of managerial decision-making, hence the interest of a versatile profile capable of working independently in order to collect, process and then exploit data in the best possible way. different information emerged.
Are you interested? Do you feel that a career in data analysis particularly appeals to you? You can start this path by opting for a bac+5 course in computer engineering accessible directly after the baccalaureate and choose the master’s specialty Big Data, in a higher establishment where you will also learn the managerial and communication bases, necessary to stand out and stand out. stand out in the job market!